Designed exclusively for those embarking on their CrossFit journey. Our tailored one-on-one sessions guide you through the essential fundamentals of CrossFit, setting the stage for a transformative fitness experience.
You will receive three CrossFit Personal Training sessions tailored to introduce you to the world of CrossFit. We will start with a comprehensive fitness assessment, that includes an optional InBody scans, and detailed injury and mobility screening.
You will learn about our core values and how we cheer each other on, in and out of workouts.
In each session, your CrossFit coach will teach and demonstrate the foundational movements we use in CrossFit, as well as review your range of motion and various scales to get you moving safely.
Starting with why you've chosen to embark on this journey, through understanding the principles that make CrossFit an effective fitness solution, to integrating into our vibrant community, our On-Ramp Course is here to ensure you make a confident and informed start.